Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Apr 23, 2021

by | Apr 23, 2021 | Podcasts | 0 comments

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Want some Pandemic Good News? If you Google for a news story you want to read, you will usually find dozens of articles. Bob wanted to find a feel good story about how well vaccines are working. There were none. So he did a deep dive.

Most of us have a love/hate relationship with memes, so tonight we give an award to the “Meme Of The Week”.

Spike’s rescue dog turned out to be a “Cujo” understudy. Grandma almost got mauled.

MTG vs AOC. Will it happen?

Listener response to Episode #116.. Bob’s friend ditching his airplane in the chilly waters off the San Juan Islands.

The show concludes with examples of Twisted Tunes that would be politically incorrect if done today. Specifically mocking people who died doing something they love.

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