Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Jun 16, 2021

by | Jun 16, 2021 | Podcasts | 0 comments

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Zip is involved in a thing, which he can’t talk about yet, no matter how hard Bob tries to pry it out of him.

A quick poll of how many show members believe in a higher power (spoiler alert: All).

Spike returns to Baltimore, and is saddened by what he sees.

Karen Grace visits, and we all get along great. She’s had several careers besides radio, including massage therapist. Her story about one particular client is charming (the story, not the client, he wasn’t charming).

Bob reveals things that are hugely popular, that he just doesn’t get. Ditto for Zip, Ed, Spike and Karen.

A fun 90 minutes, we hope you enjoy, and thank you for listening.

#131| Karen Grace & Spike O’Neill| Higher/Inner Powers| Police On-Rest| Ssup m’Crackers| Bit Tongues/Broke Teeth| Meaning of Life| NonBinary Review| MassAHHge/Happy Endings| Kabuki Politics| Freemasons| Serendipity| Pet Stars| Placebos/Self Healing| Chakra| Tom Leykis| Twisted Tune: Gimme 12 Steps| Twisted Tune: Take Lessons, Learn New Chords

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