Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Oct 21, 2021

by | Oct 21, 2021 | Podcasts | 0 comments

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With Ed Kelly shooting a film for several days, Spike O’Neill was kind enough to fill in, and he charges right in like a Bull in the proverbial China Shop.

We do talk about Pierce County Sheriff Ed Troyer, who is a friend we’ve had a long and solid relationship with. His misdemeanor charges are making national news in these divisive times.

These divisive times. That’s the theme of this podcast. It seems all media has a profit motive to force us to take sides, and fight each other, instead of trying to find common ground.

Be careful before you open any email at work, or anywhere for that matter. Ransomware is rampant. and both Bob and Spike have clicked on Phishing tests, and take remedial training repeatedly.

Elon Musk, the guy who makes self-driving cars, is terrified of artificial intelligence. Right now it’s convenient that machines are getting smarter, but how long before they take over? How long before self-driving cars are measurably safer than human driven vehicles?

We close with a tribute to a departed friend and artist Pam Tobiason, who sang on Twisted Tunes, performed with Daddy Long Legs, and also recorded an album with Bob in the early 90’s. See if you agree that it’s that darn good.

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#150 | Spike O*Neill | Ed@Film.. Spike@P0rn | Elon Musk- Scared of AI | Local Sheriff -> National News | Umps Gotta Go | These Divisive Times | Kiddie Vax | Insurance Fraud or Nah? | *Tik-Shok* | Op-Eds | Self-Driving Cars | Ransomware | The C Word | Digital Time-Out | Sheriff Ed Troyer | Colin Powell (RIP) | Pam Tobiason (RIP) | Daddy Long Legs: Sweet Touch | Daddy Long Legs: Shadowlands

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