The most participants we’ve ever had in a single show on the Podcast today. A wild romp through some sensitive subjects that includes Bob and Zip, Ed Kelley, Spike O’Neill, Pedro Bartes, Author Tami Asars, and the triumphant return of comedian Andrew Rivers.
Zip is dying in his un-air conditioned basement. So we give you the inside scoop about what’s being done to fix global warming.
Bob puts himself out there for ridicule, and no one lets him off the hook.
Dr Fauci is retiring, but not just yet.
Memes are sucking Bob back into Facebook.
Tami Asars, the author of the best hiking books ever, is checking in from the Appalachian Trail. You can find her Instagram and cheer this northwest superwoman on. Get her books and links at
#179 | +Spike O’Neill | +Pedro Bartes | +Andrew Rivers | Tami Asars Check-In | POTUS Covid | BRS- The Good Old Days | Unconscious Prejudice/White Things | Pedro Can’t Drive | End of Pandemic? | It’s Like a Heatwave | Bob on Memes | Masks.. Pfft | Conservative Radio | Dumbscrolling | NFTs.. Museum? | Seattle Light Rail/’84 Express | Dr. Fauci | Twisted Tune: Snuck Into America