Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Oct 20, 2022

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Podcasts | 2 comments

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This week’s show is really the Spike and Ed show, while Bob and Zip are entertained. Spike riffs with Ed Kelly’s character impressions. You’ll be convinced we know Sam Elliot.

Spike loves confessing that he burned his childhood home to the ground, and his therapist says that explains a lot.

Bob tries to figure out why he and Lisa are nomads, having moved into their 10th home in 40 years.

Turns out we are all listening to deep album cuts these days, thanks to on-demand playlists, and rediscovering great songs we’ve forgotten is one of the benefits.

Bob hears a Jethro Tull song that sounds remarkably like one of the Eagles biggest hits. Did the Eagles steal Hotel California?

As the show closes, Zip wonders why misinformation is so readily believed. A fairly serious discussion.

Comedian Bo Burnham explains how the world works. Buy his album! It’s pure genius.


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