Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Mar 8, 2022

by | Mar 8, 2022 | Podcasts | 0 comments

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Ed Kelly finishes his run on the Detroit area theater Production of “Anything Goes”. He’s exhausted.

Bob’s in the thick of things, making Maple Syrup – which is already nearly sold out!

Zip is back in a 12 Step program for his relapse into addiction to MSNBC.

We talk about how the media loves this story… We have a clear Hero in Ukrainian President Zelensky, and the Evil Villian Vladimir Putin.

There’s a strange sense of unity in that we Americans mostly agree on this issue. We’re so used to divisiveness these days.

Just in case we weren’t being irreverent enough, the show takes a dark turn in product branding. Let’s just say with the My Pillow guy expanding his product line, Spike has a few ideas for him.

And Spike has literally saved a family member from Manslaughter charges. True story about his brother, and corrupt Florida Law Enforcement.

Andrew has just returned from Spokane, where he opened for his comedy StepDad: Christopher Titus.

We Close with a Spike and the Impalers rendition of a classic Eagles tune.

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#168 | +Andrew Rivers | +Spike O’Neill | Donate AirBNB! | Ed Kelly->Eli Whitney: Anything Goes | Zelensky->Hero/Putin->Zero | (American) Oligarchs | Dark Bitcoin | WTF is Blockchain? | War Profiteers | Xi Jinping… Grain Security? | Stoli Rebrand | 8 Lanes of Cheap Gas | RT News/Russian Fox | Syrup Futures | Pandemonium in Timonium | Spike Saves Sir Sleepsalot | Christopher Titus | Spike and The Impalers: Those Shoes

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