Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Mar 29, 2022

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Podcasts | 1 comment

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We make a vow to save talking about Will Smith and Chris Rock until Andrew joins us near the end of the show. But like Will Smith, we lose control completely.

A little self mockery ensues, as we whine about how tough it is these days to be white.

Bob apologizes for last week’s absence, as he’s having a crazy big Maple Syrup season in Vermont.

Bob tries to introduce a new topic to the show: The need for more “Love and Empathy” in our civil discourse. This bores everyone very quickly, so we continue speculating about Will Smith and Chris Rock.

Spike has some strong opinions on how the war in Ukraine should end, and Zip agrees. Bob feels that a negotiated settlement behind the scenes may be what is happening, but he’s all alone on this one.

Andrew Rivers pops in, with a comedian’s point of view on assaulting comics on stage. He’s opposed.

We close with a mystery tune. No cheating and using a phone app.

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#170 | +Spike O’Neill | +Andrew Rivers | Fresh Prints of Entitlement | Will Smith/Chris Rock | Ukraine/Our Proxy War | Defending Her Honor/Curb Your Savage | The Problem with John Stewart | Appeasing Putin | Peace, Love & Empathy | Social Desensitization | Causation, Narratives & False Equivalencies | What the World Needs Now… | Sugar High | BOB’s (+blah blah) SHOW | Ed’zzz

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