Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Jul 15, 2022

by | Jul 15, 2022 | Podcasts | 0 comments

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When the show begins, Bob’s mic is off… and you only hear him through the computer mic for the first 15 minutes, then the mic is perfect. Bob wanted to start over, but everyone said let it hang out, warts and all. Apologies for the tech issue.

People in Las Vegas freak out if it drizzles.

Ed is back, with a reasonable explanation, and then we are off to the races. So many topics.

The Webb Telescope, why Spike has no use for it.

Zip is still in denial about his helicopter ride to the intensive care unit.

Jeff Bezos is the Godfather. If it’s on one of his trucks you know there won’t be an unfortunate accident.

#178 | +Spike O’Neill | Classic Jesus | Inflation/ShrinkFlation | AR-15. Why? | Biden- Out? | Webb Telescope | Amazon Brand | Soylent Green | Dueling Dons | Sea Monkeys | Bitcoin/Snake Oil | Copper Future | Spike @KIRO | Jeff Bezos/Godfather | Bob Lefsetz | Lover- Not Fighter | Celery for.. Hydration | Twisted Tune: Dow Jones is Down | Twisted Tune: Death by Misadventure

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