Month: July 2022

Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Jul 29, 2022

#180 | +Spike O’Neill | +Joe Bryant | US Microchips | *Joe’s Sweet Couch Potatoes* | The Forward Party | Kicker Stories/Puff Pieces | Cover of the Rolling Stonnnne | Ukraine Propaganda | Ticket Prices WTF | (Crush Your) Spirit Airlines | RINO Semen | Nancy Does Taiwan | It’s a Small Mind After All | Ted Lasso | Mick Jagger | Gals, Chicks, Skirts | iMariners | Ticketbastard |Twisted Tunes: A Baseball Quintuple Header

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Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Jul 22, 2022

#179 | +Spike O’Neill | +Pedro Bartes | +Andrew Rivers | Tami Asars Check-In | POTUS Covid | BRS- The Good Old Days | Unconscious Prejudice/White Things | Pedro Can’t Drive | End of Pandemic? | It’s Like a Heatwave | Bob on Memes | Masks.. Pfft | Conservative Radio | Dumbscrolling | NFTs.. Museum? | Seattle Light Rail/’84 Express | *Dr. Fauci* | Twisted Tune: *Snuck Into America*

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Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Jul 15, 2022

#178 | +Spike O’Neill | Classic Jesus | Inflation/ShrinkFlation | AR-15. Why? | Biden- Out? | Webb Telescope | Amazon Brand | Soylent Green | Dueling Dons | Sea Monkeys | Bitcoin/Snake Oil | Copper Future | Spike @KIRO | Jeff Bezos/Godfather | Bob Lefsetz | Lover- Not Fighter | Celery for.. Hydration | Twisted Tune: *Dow Jones is Down* | Twisted Tune: *Death by Misadventure*

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Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Jul 9, 2022

#177 | +Spike O’Neill | +Tami Asars | Ed MIA | Bob on Vegas Shows | Spike @KIRO | The Australian Bee Gees | Apps 4 That | WOW!- Las Vegas | Wonderland, Pacific Crest, Appalachian Trails | Thru Hiking | Spike *on* Drugs | Lake Mead | Boebert/Greene | Shooter’s Grill | Continental Divide | Vegas-Boston-Seattle | Bob Knows What You’re Thinking | Bob’s Garage: Paul Rogers: *Bad Company*

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Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Jul 2, 2022

#176 | +Spike O’Neill | Roe V Wade | U-Haul’n Yoda | SCrOTUS | Crazy Week | Take it Easy Maan | 9-11/911 | Dr. TBA | The Afterlife Channel | Gary Busey State of Mind | Celery is Life | Murder- Bad | Dogs Catching Cars | Pocket Full of Change | Medivac | Round-Up for Charity | Suicide Six | Not Hatin Both Parties | Twisted Tune: *Independence Day*

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