Bob and Zip Show with Ed Kelly – Nov 16, 2022

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Podcasts | 0 comments

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Tami Asars has finished the triple crown of long distance hiking, having just completed the Appalachian Trail (2,194.3 miles). She’s also hiked The Pacific Crest Trail (2,650 miles), and the Continental Divide Trail (3,100 miles).

Spike compares her to Forrest Gump, which believe it or not, is high praise from him!

We review the number one lesson to be learned in the outdoors (spoiler alert: Delayed Gratification)..

What is your Lizard Brain, and why do Political Ads only appeal to your primitive emotions? Bob recommends a brilliant book written by noted UW neurobiologist John Medina: Brain Rules for Work: the science of thinking smarter in the office and at home. Only buy this if you want to make your Lizard Brain nervous.

Why Bob has always preferred Jay Leno over other late night TV hosts. (We wish him a speedy recovery).

Zip, Bob and Spike all loved someone the media loved to hate this week. What everyone got wrong about Dave Chappelle’s SNL monologue.

Bob has decided to embrace “both-sides-ism”, which is saying “both sides lie” when one side lies prolifically and shamelessly and the other side tells smaller lies. It’s a crazy idea of course. Saying all lies need to be pointed out. It is clearly why Bob has no friends.

We talk about “Nuance”, and why many people lack the ability to detect it. Zip defines it perfectly, and this sends Spike into a comedic frenzy.

We close with a song dedicated to Tami Asars.

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